• Psychic Reading: Becoming A Medium

    Psychic Reading: Becoming A Medium Before you decide that you want to develop your psychic abilities toward mediumship, ask yourself why you want to become a medium. Do you have the proper amount of respect and love for others? It will take this and more to become a good medium. You will need to be sensitive to the spirits and recognize when they are near and want to communicate. You will first need to find a good teacher and may want to train with others. You really should have someone to guide you, so that you are able to recognize what may be your imagination, from spiritual contact. When learning in a group, more than one of you may be able to sense the spirit. This will let you know you are not imagining anything. You might want to try a spiritualist church. Many of these are willing to teach those who truly would like to become more sensitive to the other side. Now, more that ever, there are workshops that you can attend to become more sensitive to spirit. Before you decide to take a workshop or find a teacher, you should work on awakening your psychic skills. Do research on other mediums of note and learn how they are able to receive information from the other side. This will give you a good idea of what mediumship is about. Allow yourself to be guided by your inner voice and keep track of your dreams. The dreams that I have that are precognitive, usually happen just before waking while I am in that not-awake, not-asleep sort of zone. We all have dreams and some of them are doozies. The best way to explain this is that precognitive dreams have a different feel than our regular dreams. Meditation: When you meditate you must relax, while it is impossible to clear your mind, you can relax yourself enough to be able to get messages even with a mind full of gunk. Sit in a relatively quiet place, no blaring stereos, and turn off that TV! However, you may want to put…
  • Psychic Reading: How To Read Runes For Other People

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